Sunday, 15 May 2011

I'm Back

Obviously I have been slack! I said I would do another blog when we got back from visiting family, and well I didn't - we have been back for about a week now - oops!
While we were down home, I did my first paid photoshoot. It was of a newborn and his parents. I was incredibly nervous. All of a sudden there was this need to impress and be perfect.
A few years ago I heard a photographer say that all photographers are perfectionists, In ever other aspect of my life I'm hardly a perfectionist, but I always want my photographs to be perfect. Which is pretty hard when I'm just starting out.
Alot of the time I get pretty upset with my photographs. And continually critisise my works. This was one of these times.
I didn't have enough light on my subject, and was just trying to do everything so fast, that I didn't think of my composition much at all.
Obviously it will be different next time, because this has taught me a very good lesson. To just take my time and things will work out so much better.
I really need to do alot more tutorials on editing as well. I want my pictures to be perfect, so that my clients will be happy.
Here is one of my edited pictures from my shoot
This is probably one of the better ones, which I actually really like this one. I like the angle and I like the lighting. Alot of my photo's turned out really dark, because I was stupid and just wasn't thinking of my settings or the lighting. But personally I like the darkness in my photographs -- but I'm not photographing for me. I just hope that my client likes them.
I ended up getting a baby sling thing, and we tried to do a few photos with that, but they didnt work too well. We started the photo's once the baby had just woken up - not a good idea. All he wanted to do was strech his legs and move around. Another learning lesson. *do newborn photos just before they go to sleep*
Here is a photo using the sling
Again this one is REALLY dark, but for some reason I really like it, but still I doubt the client will.
I am really dissapointed in myself and my photos, but I think next time will be alot better, and I hope this doesnt ruin my chances in Photography.

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